Average Inventory

From the menu bar, click Modules > Inventory > Average Inventory or press Alt M I V on the keyboard.

"Average Inventory" will go through the inventory file and save in a separate file each sku/catalog number, the quantity of the sku/catalog number, the cost each of the sku/catalog number and the location of the sku/catalog for the month specified when running Average Inventory. These totals will then be used in the Inventory Analysis report to provide you with an average inventory by sub category of inventory. The Average Inventory will then be used in the calculation of inventory turns and gross margin return on inventory (GMROI).

Example: Let's say you first run Average Inventory on March 1st, 2011. Each sku/catalog number in your inventory file will be saved in the average inventory file with it's location, quantity on hand and cost each. This information will be saved in the third month columns. When you then print the Inventory Analysis report, the amounts in the Average Inventory column for each category will reflect the totals of each sku in the category for the current month. When you run Average Inventory on April 1st, 2011, the quantity on hand and cost will again be saved to each sku/catalog number and this time in the fourth month column. The third month (or March) totals will remain in the file as well. When Inventory Analysis is run, the totals in the Average Inventory column will represent the March + April amounts divided by 2.